Ferrari supports for the second year Arcipelago Educativo, the Agnelli Foundation and Save the Children program which offers children and adolescents from the local community an innovative training program to combat the loss of learning and motivation to study. thus favoring the resumption of the new school year.
The aim of the project, successfully introduced last year at local schools, is to promote the psycho-social well-being of students, consolidate and recover basic and transversal skills, while at the same time improving their relationship and the educational climate in the family.
The meetings, aimed at students of the 5th year of primary school and of the 3rd year of lower secondary school, will be held in the first two weeks of September in six centers in the Municipalities of Maranello, Fiorano Modenese and Formigine who have joined the 'initiative. In the same period, the educators, belonging to the Territorial Educational Groups (GET), will also follow an online training course for methodological insights and to share tested practices of inclusive and participatory teaching.
Workshops and study groups, play and physical activity are concrete answers to the needs of the youngest, which emerged strongly during the pandemic, of new training proposals, social opportunities and innovative models that allow you to learn while having fun.